Business intelligence enabled by user-friendly dashboard

    Data CAMP offers a range of built-in statistical process control (SPC) solutions.
    Users can analyze patterns in collected manufacturing data and detect anomalous trends in real time.

      Data CAMP offers a range of built-in statistical process control (SPC) solutions. Users can analyze patterns in collected manufacturing data and detect anomalous trends in real time.

        Statistical process control (SPC) is a technique for managing production processes and quality. It helps companies maximize their assets, reduce rework or scrap, and produce more products that meet quality standards. Data CAMP provides a variety of SPC functions useful for manufacturing companies, allowing organizations to select and apply individual SPCs that fit their manufacturing context.

        AHHA Labs' Data CAMP solution_I-MR Chart

        Real-time process monitoring and anomaly detection

        Data CAMP collects and analyzes manufacturing data to derive insights into processes and quality.

        I-MR, Xbar-R, Xbar-S chart

          • Monitor variability in the production process
          • Display Center Line (CL), Upper Control Limit (UCL), and Lower Control Limit (LCL)
          • Intuitively understand process status

        Process Capability Index (CPK) and Process Performance Index (PPK)

          • Measure how consistently the process operates within specification limits in the short and long term

        Parameter Correlation Analysis

          • Calculate the influence of different variables
          • Identify factors that significantly impact product quality

        Various Specification Management Functions

          • Define tolerance ranges for products and processes

        The visual dashboard allows users to view each measurement in chronological order, observe variations between data points, and intuitively see the average value, range, and standard deviation of each sample group. This enables quick and accurate determination of the need for process improvement.

        AHHA Labs' Data CAMP Solution Dashboard

        Configure a manufacturing field-specific dashboard


        Design an SPC application pipeline and configure visualization dashboards for your manufacturing context to enhance overall process efficiency, operational transparency, and accessibility, and to facilitate data-driven decisions. Organizations can consistently produce high-quality products, maintain competitiveness, and boost customer satisfaction.

        AHHA Labs' Data CAMP Dashboard

        Achieve your business goals
        by quickly collecting and analyzing data
        with Data CAMP.

        Achieve your business goals by quickly collecting and analyzing data with Data CAMP.

        Next Step

        Maintain the highest quality consistently with Data CAMP’s advanced SPC capabilities.