No downtime in 3 years (RUST-based core engine)

    The Rust language-based core engine processes manufacturing big data
    in real time with zero downtime, 24/7/365.

      The Rust language-based core engine processes manufacturing big data in real time with zero downtime, 24/7/365.

          Our application is built on the Rust language, ensuring high reliability


          Rust offers numerous advantages in terms of speed and reliability. The Data CAMP core engine, developed in Rust, boasts industry-leading reliability for processing large volumes of data. Since its initial field application in 2020, the Data CAMP application has experienced zero downtime due to its own issues while operating on dozens of customers’ manufacturing lines. It has maintained continuous operation 24/7/365.



          Rust’s compiler optimizes for high levels of abstraction very efficiently, with minimal performance loss. It reduces unnecessary runtime checks, optimizes code, and utilizes the high-performance LLVM compiler infrastructure to generate optimized machine code. As a result, Rust code can perform comparably to C and C++ code.

            Memory Ownership Safety

            Rust ensures memory safety during compilation through its “ownership” and “borrowing” system, which prevents issues like data races and the use of freed memory. This enhances program reliability by preventing memory errors at runtime and improves performance by eliminating the need for additional runtime checks.

            Memory issues are a significant challenge in factory applications. For instance, if memory is allocated but not freed due to internal application problems, memory usage will continue to increase over time. Eventually, the system will be unable to allocate more memory, leading to a freeze. In a 24/7 manufacturing field, every minute of downtime translates to financial loss, making it crucial to address memory leaks in the application. This becomes even more critical in manufacturing environments where technology generates tens of terabytes of data daily.



            Rust supports concurrency with its ownership system and borrow checker, allowing you to write safe concurrent code without data races. Bugs that are hard to detect during parallel programming are turned into compile-time errors instead of runtime errors, enabling you to fix them during the programming phase rather than post-deployment. This is highly beneficial for implementing high-performance parallelism.

            In manufacturing, processing data from multiple pieces of equipment simultaneously requires effective “parallel processing.” Parallel processing divides a program’s computational tasks into multiple parts, allowing each to be executed simultaneously on different processors. As more systems utilize multiple processors, the importance of parallel programming—running different parts of a program concurrently—continues to grow. Traditionally, parallel programming has been difficult and error-prone, but Rust addresses these challenges, enabling safe and efficient parallel programming.

            Manage Edge Services Infrastructure Integration

            Ensuring Reliable Operations with Automation and Unified Management

            Data CAMP automates and monitors edge PC operations 24/7 to prevent unexpected system downtime and ensure reliable operations. For instance, log monitoring tracks and records all system activity in real time and provides early alerts when anomalies are detected. If necessary, it can automatically restart or stop specific services to resolve issues without causing cascading effects on the entire system. It also automatically deletes or backs up unnecessary files when storage capacity runs low, ensuring smooth system operation. Additionally, it analyzes various metrics such as CPU usage, memory status, and network traffic on edge PCs to maintain an optimal operating environment.

            Data CAMP also supports unified management of edge service infrastructures. Dashboards enable administrators to view critical system metrics across all agent PCs. Services can be updated or controlled remotely, and recipes can be consolidated and deployed in bulk to all edge PCs. This helps administrators maintain consistent settings and save time and effort.

            Overall, Data CAMP maximizes operational efficiency, maintains system reliability, and reduces administrator workload through automation of edge PC operations and unified management of service infrastructure. This enables organizations to produce better quality products and reduce costs.

            Achieve your business goals
            by quickly collecting and analyzing data
            with Data CAMP.

            Achieve your business goals by quickly collecting and analyzing data with Data CAMP.

            Next Step

            Achieve industry-leading reliability for handling large volumes of data and operate worry-free 24/7 with Data CAMP.